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Previous Events

Winterfest 2025
January 18

Club members gave away 87 plants and lots of Cheryl Wixson's pickles with the recipe.
Kids enjoyed painting garden rocks.

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Aerial View of Lily Pond

Lily Pond Tree Nursery

Talk:         Forest Health on Deer Isle:

                   Lily Pond Tree Nursery aims for a
                   Healthy and Resilient Forest at Lily Pond Park

When:      Thursday, November 7 at 3:00 p.m.

Where:     Deer Isle Sunset Congregational Church Fellowship Hall
                   Church Street (rt. 15), Deer Isle

Who:         Conservation Director Alex Drenga and 
                   Land Steward Eli Forman of Island Heritage Trust and

                   Arborist Broc Eaton.


Sponsor:  The Evergreen Garden Club

Alex and Eli’s talk focused on the Lily Pond Tree Nursery: what it is, why IHT is managing this project, and how it will benefit the community.  They also talked about the general health of trees on Deer Isle, particularly what is being observed in IHT's preserves. There are invasive insects and blights affecting trees all over Maine. They discussed what to look for, what to do when you see them, and how you may manage the land to discourage them. Introducing new species of plants to the island can encourage these blights, so they will discuss what to consider while deciding what woody plants to add to the properties you care for.


In 2023, IHT began to create a small native tree nursery in the Lily Pond meadow to propagate woody plants for future projects at IHT preserves and other island lands. The foundation of this initiative was supported by USDA’s Project Canopy Grant and serves to provide resources for a healthy and resilient forest around Lily Pond Park.


This area also functions as an educational opportunity for local schools, island residents, and visitors. In the wake of a changing climate, our forests are experiencing wetter springs, sustained droughts, more frequent and intense winds, and the migration of invasive pests. The hope is to provide visitors with a glimpse of what a healthy and sustainable forest may look like in the future along the coast of Maine, by being in relationship and reciprocity with the land.

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 June 15, 2024

Evergreen Garden Club Self-Guided Walking Tour

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May 18, 2024

Evergreen Garden Club Annual Plant Sale


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March 20, 2024

Evergreen Garden Club Annual Meeting

The Annual Meeting included the election of new officers, an update to our bylaws and our first program of the year.

Paper blossoms and how to make them. Thank you, Alicia Condon!

Gardens & Vistas Garden Tour 2023

The Evergreen Garden Club Board would like to thank all of our wonderful Members who volunteered to make the Gardens and Vistas Tour a great success! Even the pouring rain could not stop many from visiting the delightful mixture of gardens. Special thanks to Alicia Condon and Dawn Tritch for organizing the entire event. Also, many thanks to our gardener hosts who made it all possible!

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